Are you planning renovations to your home?
Don't forget to submit your plans to the Civic Association's Architectural Committee.
East Lawndale is changing, and that is wonderful! However, the City of Houston requires projects to be permitted. Part of the permitting process is ensuring neighborhood deed restrictions are followed.
To speed up the process, please submit your plans to the East Lawndale Civic Association's Architectural Committee for approval. Email plans to [email protected]
Deed Restrictions
Disclaimer: The Deed Restrictions shown here are for informational purposes only. Recorded copies of East Lawndale's Deed
Restrictions may be viewed and copies obtained at the office of the Harris County Clerk on the third floor at 201 Caroline St.
1. COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL LOTS: Noxious, noisy, and offensive activities are prohibited. Annoyances or nuisances are also hereby prohibited.
2. COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL LOTS: Weed and grass must be cut regularly to maintain good appearance. The accumulation of trash, rubbish, or other unsightly obstacles on the premises, in the easement or in the street(s) abutting the lot, is prohibited and must be removed promptly.
3. COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL LOTS: The sale of and trafficing in mind-altering drugs or controlled substances, either organic or synthetic, is prohibited. Also, no spirituous, vinous, or malt liquor or medicated bitters capable of producing intoxication shall ever be sold or offered for sale, on any lot or any part thereof, nor shall any lot or any part thereof be used for illegal or immoral purposes.
4. COMMERCIAL LOTS: The following businesses are prohibited: Pornographic and X-rated movie houses, X-rated and nude literature and video cassette sales, "gentlemen's clubs" and "strip joints", nude modeling, massage parlours, and like businesses; bars and taverns; tattoo parlours; spiritual readers and advisors; new and used auto and truck dealerships; and any other similarly offensive businesses.
5. COMMERCIAL LOTS: Businesses shall provide adequate parking as required by city code.
6. COMMERCIAL LOTS: Merchandise shall not be displayed overnight on any lot forward from the front building line to the front curb as required by city code.
7. COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL LOTS: No structure of a temporary character, trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding shall be used on any tract at any time as a residence either temporarily or permanently. No temporary building shall be erected or maintained on any residential lot except during actual construction of a home being erected thereon, and then such temporary building must be on the lot on which construction is in progress and not on adjoining lots, lands, streets, or easements, and at completion of construction, the temporary building must be removed immediately. No such temporary building or structure shall be used for residential purposes during construction.
8. RESIDENTIAL LOTS: No animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred, or kept, except that dogs, cats, or other household pets may be kept, provided that they are not kept, bred, or maintained for any commercial purposes. Loud dog barking and nuisance noises are prohibited. Pet owners shall control their own pets as required by city ordinance.
9. RESIDENTIAL LOTS: No signs, billboards, posters, or advertising devices of any kind or character, with the exception being "House for Sale or "House for Rent" signs not more than five (5) feet square.
COMMERCIAL LOTS: Signs are to be restricted by city ordinance and well-maintained.
10. COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL LOTS: No radio or TV aerials, video dishes, or like eyesores shall be erected or maintained on any portion of any lot forward of the front of the building line, nor shall it exceed more than ten (10) feet in diameter nor shall it extend more than two (2) feet above the highest part of the roof of that respective dwelling. On corner lots any such eyesores shall not be erected or maintained forward of the building line on either street bordering the lot.
11. RESIDENTIAL LOTS: No fence, wall, or structure modification shall be built on any part of any residential lot forward of the front building line. No residence shall be built closer than thirty (30) feet from the front line of the lot. Maximum fence height shall not exceed eight (8) feet on any residential lot, measured from ground level perpendicular to the top. Exceptions will be those required by existing commercial properties listed under Commercial Lots above.
12.. COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL LOTS: No single-family residence shall be constructed on any lot covered by this body of restrictions with a total floor space of less than eleven hundred (11) square feet for a two-story residence (meaning the upper and lower story) nor less than one thousand (1,000) square feet for a one-story single family dwelling or residence. Attached garages and outbuildings are not to be considered in computing total floor area.
13. COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL LOTS: Any and all toilets shall be of the sanitary water-closet type and connected to the sewer system.
14. RESIDENTIAL LOTS: No truck, bus, boat, trailer, or motorhome shall be left parked in the street in front of any lot at any time other than as may be reasonably required incident to construction work on or delivery or pick up of goods, wares, property or material to and from lots in the subdivision. The truck, bus, boat, trailer or motorhome left parked in any driveway or other portion of the lot exposed to public view will be parked to the rear of a screen fence and will not be forward of the front of the building line. On corner lots, the truck, bus, boat, trailer, or motorhome will not be forward of the building line on either street bordering the lot.
15. RESIDENTIAL LOTS: All residents of the EAST LAWNDALE CIVIC ASSOCIATION AREA are required to furnish the Architectural Committee a set of plans for construction or remodeling thirty (30) days prior to commencement of such construction or remodeling.
16. COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL LOTS: No oil drilling, oil development operations, oil refining, quarry or mining operations of any kind shall be permitted on any part of the land in the... area, nor shall oil wells, tanks, tunnels, mineral excavations or shafts be permitted upon or any part of said lands. No derrick or other structure designed for use in boring for oil or natural gas shall be erected, maintained, or permitted upon any part of said lands.
17. COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL LOTS; No stumps, trees, underbrush or any refuse of any kind or scrap material from the improvements being erected on any lot or any building site shall not be placed on any adjoining lots, streets, or easements. All such material, if not disposed of immediately, must remain on lot of building site on which construction is in progress, and at the completion of such improvements, such material must be immediately removed from the property.
18. COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL LOTS: No lots shall be used or maintained as a dumping ground for rubbish. Trash, garbage or other wastes shall not be kept except in sanitary containers. All equipment for the storage or disposal of such materials shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition. Materials incident to construction of improvements may be stored on lot during construction only.
A five (5) member Architectural Committee will be appointed by members of the EAST LAWNDALE CIVIC ASSOCIATION consisting of residents of the Association area (Forest Hill Additions, Lawndale Estates, Marlo Place, Mason Park Additions (all sections), and Mason Park Terrace (all sections) all in the City of Houston, Harris County, Texas.
The Architectural Committee and its successors are hereby vested with the full right and authority to act as such under the provisions of these restrictions. A majority of such committee shall have the right to designate a representative to act for it in all matters arising hereunder. In the event of the death or resignation of any member or members of the Committee, the remaining members shall have the full right and authority to designate a successor member or members. Neither the members of such Committee nor any designated representative shall be entitled to any compensation for services performed pursuant to these restrictions. The powers and duties of the Committee as from time to time constituted, shall continue in force during the effective period of the restrictions hereby created.
The Architectural Committee's approval or disapproval as required in these restrictions shall be in writing. In the event such Committee, or its designated representative, fails to approve or disapprove any design or location within thirty (30) days after plans and specifications have been submitted to it, or, in any event, in no suit to enjoin the erection of such building or the making of such alterations have been commenced prior to the completion thereof, such approval will not be required and the related covenants and restrictions set out herein shall be deemed to have been fully complied with.
The Architectural Committee's objective is to prevent unusual, radical, uncommon, curious, odd, extraordinary, bizarre, peculiar or irregular designs or appearances from being built in the... subdivision.
No improvement of any kind or character whatsoever shall be erected, or the erection thereof begun, or change made in the exterior design thereof after original construction, on any lot or homesite in the... subdivision, until the complete plans, and specifications have been submitted to and approved in writing (as provided hereinafter) by the Architectural Committee as hereinafter constituted. Such approval is to include exterior design, the type of materials to be used quality of workmanship and materials, harmony of exterior design with existing structures, location with respect to topography and finish grade elevation, and such approval is to be based on the application requirements and restrictions set out herein.
(1) The Architectural Committee is granted the right to designate the direction in which the improvements on any corner residential lot shall face, and such decision shall be made with the thought in mind of the best general appearance of the immediate Section.
(2) No structure shall be erected on any residentil lot, or any part or parts of one or more lots other than one detached single-family dwelling not to exceed (2) stories in height and garage (detached or attached), not to exceed a three (3) car garage.
(3) No lot shall be resubdivided into building plots having less that 5,000 square feet of area or a width of less than 50 feet each, nor shall any building be constructed on any building plot having an area of less than 5,000 square feet or a frontage of less that 50 feet.
(4) No building shall be located on any lot nearer to the front lot line, or nearer to the side street line than the minimum building setback lines shown on the recorded plat. In any event, no building shall be located on any lot nearer than thirty (30) feet to, nor further than fifty (50) feet from the front lot line, nor nearer than five (5) feet to an interior lot line. No dwelling shall be located an any lot nearer than five (5) feet to the rear lot line. For the purpose of this covenant, eaves, steps, and open porches, shall not be considered as part of a building. The covenant shall not apply to a garage located on the rear one-quarter of a building plot.
(5) No dwelling shall be erected or placed on any lot having a width of less than sixty (60) feet at the minimum set back line, nor shall any dwelling be erected or placed on any lot having less that 5,000 square feet.
(6) No building shall be erected on any lot until the design and location thereof has been approved in writing by a committee appointed by the subdivider or elected by a majority of the owners of lots in said subdivision
However, the design and location on the lot must be in harmony with existing structures in the tract and in any case either with or without the approval of the committee, no dwelling shall be permitted on any lot in the tract and the ground floor of any one-story building must not be less than 1,000 square feet and the ground area of any two-story dwelling must not be less than 1,100 square feet.
(7) No structure shall be moved onto any lot unless it meets with the approval of the committee above referred to, or if there is no committee, it shall conform to and be in harmony with similar structures in the tract.
(8) The following materials as used and required when making residential improvements or new construction:
a. Masonary - shall include brick, brick veneer, stone, stone veneer, or other type of masonary type of construction but with it being understood that this type of masonry construction does not include asbestos shingles or other similar fireproof boarding, and exterior walls and elevations as used herein shall exclude gables, doors, windows and garages.
b. Siding - shall include vinyl and aluminum
c. Wood Siding - fir, pine, cedar, or other wood type of construction.
(9) Easements for installation and maintenance of utilities and drainage facilities are reserved over the rear five (5) feet of each lot as shown on the recorded plat. By acceptance of a deed to any one or more of the above lots, the owner thereof covenants and agrees to keep and maintain in a neat and clean condition any easement which may traverse a portion of the lot conveyed by deed, including the keeping of weeds and grass mowed within such area.
(10) No garage apartment for rental purposes shall be permitted on a residential lot, except for those already in existence. Living quarters on property other than in main building on any residential lot may be used for bona fie servants only.
(11) All improvements shall be constructed on a residential lot so as to front the street upon which such lot faces.
(12) Dwellings on corner residential lots shall have a presentable frontage on all streets on which that particular lot fronts.
(13) No detached garage, servant's house or other outbuilding of any kind shall be erected on any residential lot nearer than sixty (60) feet to the front property line, nor nearer than the easement on the rear or side property line of said lot, nor nearer than three (3) feet to the side property line.
This does not apply to garage and servant's quarters when attaced to the main residential, but any servant's quarters attached to main residence must be in rear of same. No outside toilets will be permitted.
No outbuildings on any residential lot shall exceed in height the dwelling to which they are appurtenant.
Every such outbuilding except a greenhouse shall correspond in style and architecture to the dwelling to which it is appurtenant.
(14) No building material of any kind or character shall be placed or stored upon any residential lot until the owner is ready to commence improvements, and then such material shall be placed within the property lines of the lot upon which the improvements are to be erected, and shall not be place in the street or between the pavement and property line.
NOTE: Any physical changes to a lot or building which deviate from these restrictions but were physically complete at the time of the filing of these restrictions with the county clerk, shall not be grounds for compliant or enforcement of these restrictions by any other property owner(s).
These restrictions for residential and commercial lots are binding on all who voluntarily convenant or contract to abide by them by signing this petition, and any future owners of said property lots in... [the] subdivision shall be likewise bound. Enforcement of restrictions shall be initiated by individuals who are also bound by said covenants. Each property owner who binds himself/herself to the terms of this covenant specifically authorizes the EAST LAWNDALE CIVIC ASSOCIATION, to enforce the deed restrictions contained herein, including the investigation, demand, and legal procedures to enforce deed restrictions. It is understood that EAST LAWNDALE CIVIC ASSOCIATION is entitled to reasonable attorney fees as provided by law. The City of Houston may also act on behalf of the plaintiff in enforcing the aforementioned restrictions.
All property within the subdivision is affected and encumbered by the aforementioned restrictions, save and except that property specifically excluded by provisions of Section 201.009 of House Bill NO. 2256, Title 11, Chapter 201, "Restrictive Covenants Applicable to Certain Subdivisions."
Don't forget to submit your plans to the Civic Association's Architectural Committee.
East Lawndale is changing, and that is wonderful! However, the City of Houston requires projects to be permitted. Part of the permitting process is ensuring neighborhood deed restrictions are followed.
To speed up the process, please submit your plans to the East Lawndale Civic Association's Architectural Committee for approval. Email plans to [email protected]
Deed Restrictions
Disclaimer: The Deed Restrictions shown here are for informational purposes only. Recorded copies of East Lawndale's Deed
Restrictions may be viewed and copies obtained at the office of the Harris County Clerk on the third floor at 201 Caroline St.
1. COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL LOTS: Noxious, noisy, and offensive activities are prohibited. Annoyances or nuisances are also hereby prohibited.
2. COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL LOTS: Weed and grass must be cut regularly to maintain good appearance. The accumulation of trash, rubbish, or other unsightly obstacles on the premises, in the easement or in the street(s) abutting the lot, is prohibited and must be removed promptly.
3. COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL LOTS: The sale of and trafficing in mind-altering drugs or controlled substances, either organic or synthetic, is prohibited. Also, no spirituous, vinous, or malt liquor or medicated bitters capable of producing intoxication shall ever be sold or offered for sale, on any lot or any part thereof, nor shall any lot or any part thereof be used for illegal or immoral purposes.
4. COMMERCIAL LOTS: The following businesses are prohibited: Pornographic and X-rated movie houses, X-rated and nude literature and video cassette sales, "gentlemen's clubs" and "strip joints", nude modeling, massage parlours, and like businesses; bars and taverns; tattoo parlours; spiritual readers and advisors; new and used auto and truck dealerships; and any other similarly offensive businesses.
5. COMMERCIAL LOTS: Businesses shall provide adequate parking as required by city code.
6. COMMERCIAL LOTS: Merchandise shall not be displayed overnight on any lot forward from the front building line to the front curb as required by city code.
7. COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL LOTS: No structure of a temporary character, trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding shall be used on any tract at any time as a residence either temporarily or permanently. No temporary building shall be erected or maintained on any residential lot except during actual construction of a home being erected thereon, and then such temporary building must be on the lot on which construction is in progress and not on adjoining lots, lands, streets, or easements, and at completion of construction, the temporary building must be removed immediately. No such temporary building or structure shall be used for residential purposes during construction.
8. RESIDENTIAL LOTS: No animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred, or kept, except that dogs, cats, or other household pets may be kept, provided that they are not kept, bred, or maintained for any commercial purposes. Loud dog barking and nuisance noises are prohibited. Pet owners shall control their own pets as required by city ordinance.
9. RESIDENTIAL LOTS: No signs, billboards, posters, or advertising devices of any kind or character, with the exception being "House for Sale or "House for Rent" signs not more than five (5) feet square.
COMMERCIAL LOTS: Signs are to be restricted by city ordinance and well-maintained.
10. COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL LOTS: No radio or TV aerials, video dishes, or like eyesores shall be erected or maintained on any portion of any lot forward of the front of the building line, nor shall it exceed more than ten (10) feet in diameter nor shall it extend more than two (2) feet above the highest part of the roof of that respective dwelling. On corner lots any such eyesores shall not be erected or maintained forward of the building line on either street bordering the lot.
11. RESIDENTIAL LOTS: No fence, wall, or structure modification shall be built on any part of any residential lot forward of the front building line. No residence shall be built closer than thirty (30) feet from the front line of the lot. Maximum fence height shall not exceed eight (8) feet on any residential lot, measured from ground level perpendicular to the top. Exceptions will be those required by existing commercial properties listed under Commercial Lots above.
12.. COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL LOTS: No single-family residence shall be constructed on any lot covered by this body of restrictions with a total floor space of less than eleven hundred (11) square feet for a two-story residence (meaning the upper and lower story) nor less than one thousand (1,000) square feet for a one-story single family dwelling or residence. Attached garages and outbuildings are not to be considered in computing total floor area.
13. COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL LOTS: Any and all toilets shall be of the sanitary water-closet type and connected to the sewer system.
14. RESIDENTIAL LOTS: No truck, bus, boat, trailer, or motorhome shall be left parked in the street in front of any lot at any time other than as may be reasonably required incident to construction work on or delivery or pick up of goods, wares, property or material to and from lots in the subdivision. The truck, bus, boat, trailer or motorhome left parked in any driveway or other portion of the lot exposed to public view will be parked to the rear of a screen fence and will not be forward of the front of the building line. On corner lots, the truck, bus, boat, trailer, or motorhome will not be forward of the building line on either street bordering the lot.
15. RESIDENTIAL LOTS: All residents of the EAST LAWNDALE CIVIC ASSOCIATION AREA are required to furnish the Architectural Committee a set of plans for construction or remodeling thirty (30) days prior to commencement of such construction or remodeling.
16. COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL LOTS: No oil drilling, oil development operations, oil refining, quarry or mining operations of any kind shall be permitted on any part of the land in the... area, nor shall oil wells, tanks, tunnels, mineral excavations or shafts be permitted upon or any part of said lands. No derrick or other structure designed for use in boring for oil or natural gas shall be erected, maintained, or permitted upon any part of said lands.
17. COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL LOTS; No stumps, trees, underbrush or any refuse of any kind or scrap material from the improvements being erected on any lot or any building site shall not be placed on any adjoining lots, streets, or easements. All such material, if not disposed of immediately, must remain on lot of building site on which construction is in progress, and at the completion of such improvements, such material must be immediately removed from the property.
18. COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL LOTS: No lots shall be used or maintained as a dumping ground for rubbish. Trash, garbage or other wastes shall not be kept except in sanitary containers. All equipment for the storage or disposal of such materials shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition. Materials incident to construction of improvements may be stored on lot during construction only.
A five (5) member Architectural Committee will be appointed by members of the EAST LAWNDALE CIVIC ASSOCIATION consisting of residents of the Association area (Forest Hill Additions, Lawndale Estates, Marlo Place, Mason Park Additions (all sections), and Mason Park Terrace (all sections) all in the City of Houston, Harris County, Texas.
The Architectural Committee and its successors are hereby vested with the full right and authority to act as such under the provisions of these restrictions. A majority of such committee shall have the right to designate a representative to act for it in all matters arising hereunder. In the event of the death or resignation of any member or members of the Committee, the remaining members shall have the full right and authority to designate a successor member or members. Neither the members of such Committee nor any designated representative shall be entitled to any compensation for services performed pursuant to these restrictions. The powers and duties of the Committee as from time to time constituted, shall continue in force during the effective period of the restrictions hereby created.
The Architectural Committee's approval or disapproval as required in these restrictions shall be in writing. In the event such Committee, or its designated representative, fails to approve or disapprove any design or location within thirty (30) days after plans and specifications have been submitted to it, or, in any event, in no suit to enjoin the erection of such building or the making of such alterations have been commenced prior to the completion thereof, such approval will not be required and the related covenants and restrictions set out herein shall be deemed to have been fully complied with.
The Architectural Committee's objective is to prevent unusual, radical, uncommon, curious, odd, extraordinary, bizarre, peculiar or irregular designs or appearances from being built in the... subdivision.
No improvement of any kind or character whatsoever shall be erected, or the erection thereof begun, or change made in the exterior design thereof after original construction, on any lot or homesite in the... subdivision, until the complete plans, and specifications have been submitted to and approved in writing (as provided hereinafter) by the Architectural Committee as hereinafter constituted. Such approval is to include exterior design, the type of materials to be used quality of workmanship and materials, harmony of exterior design with existing structures, location with respect to topography and finish grade elevation, and such approval is to be based on the application requirements and restrictions set out herein.
(1) The Architectural Committee is granted the right to designate the direction in which the improvements on any corner residential lot shall face, and such decision shall be made with the thought in mind of the best general appearance of the immediate Section.
(2) No structure shall be erected on any residentil lot, or any part or parts of one or more lots other than one detached single-family dwelling not to exceed (2) stories in height and garage (detached or attached), not to exceed a three (3) car garage.
(3) No lot shall be resubdivided into building plots having less that 5,000 square feet of area or a width of less than 50 feet each, nor shall any building be constructed on any building plot having an area of less than 5,000 square feet or a frontage of less that 50 feet.
(4) No building shall be located on any lot nearer to the front lot line, or nearer to the side street line than the minimum building setback lines shown on the recorded plat. In any event, no building shall be located on any lot nearer than thirty (30) feet to, nor further than fifty (50) feet from the front lot line, nor nearer than five (5) feet to an interior lot line. No dwelling shall be located an any lot nearer than five (5) feet to the rear lot line. For the purpose of this covenant, eaves, steps, and open porches, shall not be considered as part of a building. The covenant shall not apply to a garage located on the rear one-quarter of a building plot.
(5) No dwelling shall be erected or placed on any lot having a width of less than sixty (60) feet at the minimum set back line, nor shall any dwelling be erected or placed on any lot having less that 5,000 square feet.
(6) No building shall be erected on any lot until the design and location thereof has been approved in writing by a committee appointed by the subdivider or elected by a majority of the owners of lots in said subdivision
However, the design and location on the lot must be in harmony with existing structures in the tract and in any case either with or without the approval of the committee, no dwelling shall be permitted on any lot in the tract and the ground floor of any one-story building must not be less than 1,000 square feet and the ground area of any two-story dwelling must not be less than 1,100 square feet.
(7) No structure shall be moved onto any lot unless it meets with the approval of the committee above referred to, or if there is no committee, it shall conform to and be in harmony with similar structures in the tract.
(8) The following materials as used and required when making residential improvements or new construction:
a. Masonary - shall include brick, brick veneer, stone, stone veneer, or other type of masonary type of construction but with it being understood that this type of masonry construction does not include asbestos shingles or other similar fireproof boarding, and exterior walls and elevations as used herein shall exclude gables, doors, windows and garages.
b. Siding - shall include vinyl and aluminum
c. Wood Siding - fir, pine, cedar, or other wood type of construction.
(9) Easements for installation and maintenance of utilities and drainage facilities are reserved over the rear five (5) feet of each lot as shown on the recorded plat. By acceptance of a deed to any one or more of the above lots, the owner thereof covenants and agrees to keep and maintain in a neat and clean condition any easement which may traverse a portion of the lot conveyed by deed, including the keeping of weeds and grass mowed within such area.
(10) No garage apartment for rental purposes shall be permitted on a residential lot, except for those already in existence. Living quarters on property other than in main building on any residential lot may be used for bona fie servants only.
(11) All improvements shall be constructed on a residential lot so as to front the street upon which such lot faces.
(12) Dwellings on corner residential lots shall have a presentable frontage on all streets on which that particular lot fronts.
(13) No detached garage, servant's house or other outbuilding of any kind shall be erected on any residential lot nearer than sixty (60) feet to the front property line, nor nearer than the easement on the rear or side property line of said lot, nor nearer than three (3) feet to the side property line.
This does not apply to garage and servant's quarters when attaced to the main residential, but any servant's quarters attached to main residence must be in rear of same. No outside toilets will be permitted.
No outbuildings on any residential lot shall exceed in height the dwelling to which they are appurtenant.
Every such outbuilding except a greenhouse shall correspond in style and architecture to the dwelling to which it is appurtenant.
(14) No building material of any kind or character shall be placed or stored upon any residential lot until the owner is ready to commence improvements, and then such material shall be placed within the property lines of the lot upon which the improvements are to be erected, and shall not be place in the street or between the pavement and property line.
NOTE: Any physical changes to a lot or building which deviate from these restrictions but were physically complete at the time of the filing of these restrictions with the county clerk, shall not be grounds for compliant or enforcement of these restrictions by any other property owner(s).
These restrictions for residential and commercial lots are binding on all who voluntarily convenant or contract to abide by them by signing this petition, and any future owners of said property lots in... [the] subdivision shall be likewise bound. Enforcement of restrictions shall be initiated by individuals who are also bound by said covenants. Each property owner who binds himself/herself to the terms of this covenant specifically authorizes the EAST LAWNDALE CIVIC ASSOCIATION, to enforce the deed restrictions contained herein, including the investigation, demand, and legal procedures to enforce deed restrictions. It is understood that EAST LAWNDALE CIVIC ASSOCIATION is entitled to reasonable attorney fees as provided by law. The City of Houston may also act on behalf of the plaintiff in enforcing the aforementioned restrictions.
All property within the subdivision is affected and encumbered by the aforementioned restrictions, save and except that property specifically excluded by provisions of Section 201.009 of House Bill NO. 2256, Title 11, Chapter 201, "Restrictive Covenants Applicable to Certain Subdivisions."